President - Will Crawford
Vice President - Stewart Hodges
Secretary - Sheila Hunter
Treasurer - Lynne Patrick
Carol Mock (2025)
Sara Reinthaler (2026)
Tim Trudgeon (2027)
Membership and Public Relations - Brian Keeton (Chair)
Fundraising Committee - Charles Griffin (Chair), Sheila Hunter, Sara Reinthaler
Social Committee - Co-Hosts, Carol Adair and Bonnie Sparrow
Wood Coordinator - Jud Bond
Sara Reinthaler and Charles Griffin (Contributors)
Event Coordinator - Lynne Patrick (Chair), Carol Mock (Assistant)
Show Committee - Tony Leonardi (Chair), Stewart Hodges (Assistant)
Nominations Committee Chair - Carol Mock (2025)
Sara Reinthaler (2026)
Tim Trudgeon (2027)
Woodcarving Instructors - Tim Trudgeon (Lead), Carol Adair, Will Crawford, Charles Griffin,
Stewart Hodges, Tom Mock, and Mark Payne
Pyrography Instructors - Lynne Patrick and Kelly Wall
Director of Youth Education Program (STEM) - Will Crawford
WOODCARVING: Will Crawford, (Assistants: Stewart Hodges, Carol Adair, and
Mark Payne)
PYROGRAPHY: There are currently no classes taught by TWC at STEM
Sunshine Committee - Carol Adair, Charity Watterson
Library Coordinator - Bonnie Sparrow; (Assistant, Charles Griffin)
Chair of The Angels of Hope Project - Carol Adair