Triad Woodcarvers (TWC) Instructors:


We provide woodcarving instructions to new members. The following currently serve as instructors and are available most any time during the carving sessions to work with new members on projects to increase their woodcarving skills.

  • Tim Trudgeon (Lead instructor)

  • Carol Adair

  • Will Crawford

  • Charles Griffin

  • Stewart Hodges

  • Tom Mock

  • Brian Swanson

  • Sara Reinthaler

  • Lynne Patrick (Pyrography)

  • Kelly Wall (Pyrography)


New Member Projects include:

  1. Grain Training

  2. Carving a Mushroom

  3. Carving a Star

  4. Carving a Comfort Bird

  5. Carving a Boot


[NOTE: Pat Patrick will assist any member who has completed the 5 basic New Member Projects with carving a wood spirit.]